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AlcoholConcern
网络
关注纵酒
AlcoholConcern
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AlcoholConcern
关注纵酒
近日,英国慈祥公益组织“
关注纵酒
”(
AlcoholConcern
)提议,在英国超市内售卖的乙醇类饮品应远离食物区及...
例句:
Alcohol
Concern
says
drink
problems
should
be
seen
as
health
issues
rather
than
grounds
for
discipline
.
AlcoholConcern
指出
,
饮酒
问题
应该
被
视
作
健康
问题
,
而
不是
风纪
问题
。
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,
.
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