- n.行动;行为;诉讼;战斗
- v.确保处理(某事)
- 网络动作;操作;作用

作为what sb does
1.[u]行动;行为过程the process of doing sth in order to make sth happen or to deal with a situation
2.[c]所做之事;行为a thing that sb does
诉讼程序legal process
3.[c][u]诉讼;起诉a legal process to stop a person or company from doing sth, or to make them pay for a mistake, etc.
战争in war
4.[u]战斗;作战fighting in a battle or war
故事;戏剧in story/play
5.[u](故事、戏剧等中的)情节the events in a story, play, etc.
激动人心的事exciting events
6.[u]激动人心的事exciting events
7.[u]~ of sth (on sth)(一种物质或化学品对另一种所起的)作用the effect that one substance or chemical has on another
身体部位of part of the body
8.[u][c](身体部位的)动作,功能the way a part of the body moves or functions
actions speak louder than words
行动胜于语言what a person actually does means more than what they say they will do
in action
在活动中;在运转if sb/sth isin action , they are doing the activity or work that is typical for them
into action
实行;实施if you put an idea or a planinto action , you start making it happen or work
out of action
不能工作;失去作用;停止运转not able to work or be used because of injury or damage
a piece/slice of the action
插手,参与(尤指为了赚钱)a share or role in an interesting or exciting activity, especially in order to make money