
  • na.work in collusion, one from without and the other from within
  • 网络collaborate from within with forces from without; an inside job; act from inside in coordination with forces attacking from outside



collaborate from within with forces from without

Иероглиф -... ... 里挑外撅[ foment discord] 里应外合[ collaborate from within with forces from without] 暗里[ secretly] ...

an inside job

沪江博客 - yy一水间的博客 -... ... a setup 圈套 an inside job 里应外合 I lost my appetite. 我没胃口 ...

act from inside in coordination with forces attacking from outside

Coordinated attack from within and without

翻译... ... Provide services by a coordinated process 提供一条龙服务 Coordinated attack from within and without 里应外合 ...

Embraced Nature environment

立联合建筑师事务所... ... 4. 里应外合 Embraced Nature environment 1. 低科技、低造价 Low tec /Low cost ...


Pippen会做出这样的预言,主要是看好湖人「里应外合inside-outside)」的作战能力,因为他们内线有优质长人,包括Pau G…


犀牛鸟在线工具整站源码 v1.0_全球医疗保险... ... liy; 理应 liy;wlhe 里应外合 liyb 理由,利诱 ...
