
  • na.stimulate the menstrual flow
  • 网络Emmenagogue; restoring menstrual flow; inducing or increasing menstruation




n [生殖泌尿系统]︰通经(Emmenagogue)、白带(Leucorrhea)、泻药(Laxative)、肾炎(Nephritis)、痔疮(Piles)。n [神经/大脑/心 …

restoring menstrual flow

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 醒脑 restoring consciousness 通经 restoring menstrual flow 补虚 restoring qi ...

inducing or increasing menstruation

专业词汇在线翻译、医学... ... 疏风 inducing mild diaphoresis 通经 inducing or increasing menstruation 导调气法 inducing qi ...

restore menstrual flow

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线... ... 恢复功能 restore funcitons 通经 restore menstrual flow 恢复脑力 restore mental power ...

induce menstruation

专业词汇在线翻译、... ... 摧乳 induce lactation 通经 induce menstruation 通经止痛 induce menstruation to relieve menalgia ...

restore normal menstruation

专业词汇在线翻... ... 理筋 restore and treat njured soft tissues 通经 restore normal menstruation 复肝 restore the liver ...

clear the channels

专业词汇在... ... 清肠润澡 clear the bowels and moisten the dryness 通经 clear the channels 通腑 clear the hollow viscera ...


smb.conf_百度文库 ... GNU / Linux 的 “smb.conf.master“, 通经 ...
