
  • 网络repay a debt; pay one's debt; to settle and account



repay a debt

乍暖还寒时候“中的还念huan还是hai??... ... 还愿[ fulfil one’s promise] 还账[ repay a debt] 还嘴[ retort] ...

pay one's debt

高二英语教... ... ④ pay sb back for... 报答某人什么 ⑤ pay one's debt 还账 ⑥ pay...a visit = pay a visit to 访问……;拜访…… ...

to settle and account

Account | Chinese Dictionary ... 账册 an account book;a ledger;a bill 还账 to settle and account 账 account;bill;debt ...

pay the debt

pay是... ... He paid the driver and got out of the taxi. 他给司机付了钱,然后下了出租车。 pay the debt 还账 pay a tax 纳税 ...

Also account

...5-08 hijp258 楼主 赢钱的时间记起急促还账(Also account)啊!
