
  • 网络put on the brakes; braking; a touch on the brakes



put on the brakes

在线看美剧Bones第六季第2集学英... ... take care of your own house 管好自己家的事儿 put on the brakes 踩刹车 drool 淌口水 ...


媒体英语_BBC英语教学_中国教育在线外语频道 ... hybrids 混合动力汽车 braking 踩刹车 bumpy 颠簸的 ...

a touch on the brakes

考研英语范文阅读模拟试题及答案解析... ... 3. soft landing 软着陆 4. a touch on the brakes 踩刹车 5. precise 精确的 ...

step on brake

考驾驶证的必看 - 车行天下-人在温哥华... ... brake 刹车 step on brake 踩刹车 first street 第一条街 ...

Applied the brakes.

apply ... To put into action: 使用,运用: applied the brakes. 踩刹车 applied myself to my studies. 专心于我的学习 ...

step on the brake

step... ... He stepped on the hem of her long gown。 他踩到了她的长裙的下摆 step on the brake踩刹车 step on 踏在 ...

slam on your brake

交通场景词汇... ... turn into the lane right 右转 slam on your brake 踩刹车 be held up in traffic 交通阻碍 ...

honk the horn

数据库_英语口语锦集_软件世界网... ... lean on a moneybag; 对...不感冒 honk the horn踩刹车 apply the brake; 踩油门 ...
