
  • na.looking dignified and strong
  • 网络appearance of strength; Cute and energetic; The Mei's



appearance of strength

虎的组词、用法、造句、详细意思解... ... ◎ 虎跳峡[ Hutiao Gorge] ◎ 虎头虎脑[ appearance of strength] ◎ 虎头牢房[ death cell…

Cute and energetic

动感&希望英语笔记_江筱鱼_新浪博客 ... 1. ladle 长汤勺 2. cute and energetic 虎头虎脑 6. agile 敏捷的 ...

The Mei's

Flickr: Weishun L.'s Photostream ... 宝宝喝水/ Drinkin' 虎头虎脑/ The Mei's 味道好极了/ Taste good ...

tiger head tiger brian

哈哈! 中式英语:... ... no head no brian 没头没脑 tiger head tiger brian 虎头虎脑 no large no small 没大没小 ...

l ovel y

of a boy

...covetously or menacingly 虎头虎脑 (of a boy) looking strong and good-natured 虎头蛇尾 a fine start and a poor finish 虎...
