
  • na.bring about [invite] one's own destruction [extinction]
  • 网络suicide; cut one's own throat; woo one's own destruction




新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... sufficient 足够的,充分的 suicide 自杀;自取灭亡 suitable 合适的,适宜的 ...

cut one's own throat

throat是什... ... cut one another's throat v. 相互残杀 cut one's own throat 自刎,自取灭亡 cut the throat of v. 消灭,扼杀 ...

woo one's own destruction

woo的翻译中... ... woo fame and fortune 追求名利 woo one's own destruction 自取灭亡 woo sb. to do sth. 缠着某人要他做某事 ...


...日接班人的金正银的地位。据该报报道,北韩的这次武装挑衅看似“自取灭亡(self-defeating)”,可是出于接班人问题的考虑, …

bring ruin upon oneself

ruin的翻译 查词 例句... ... bring sb. to ruin 使某人失败; 使倾家荡产 bring ruin upon oneself 自取灭亡 in ruins 成为废墟 ...

draw ruin upon oneself

取_英文_英语_取用英语怎么说_翻译_读音... ... win confidence 取信于人 court destruction;draw ruin upon oneself 自取灭亡 ...

pull down one's house about one's ears

pull的用法 ... pull at a rope 套住绳子拉 pull down one's house about one's ears 自取灭亡 Pull down your jacket! 镇定! ...

seek one's own downfall

灭亡_英文... ... be doomed to perish 注定要灭亡 court destruction;seek one's own downfall 自取灭亡 灭亡歌1. Perish Song ...

The result is: Not wait for the scourge and all the backlash, natually himself perish.
