
  • na.be both opposite and complementary (to each other)
  • 网络bebothoppositeandcomplementarytoeachother; opposite and supplementary to each; to oppose,yet complement each other




相字的解释--... ... 相传〖 traditionhasitthat…〗 相反相成〖 (oftwothings)bebothoppositeandcomplementarytoeachother〗 ...

opposite and supplementary to each

... 开窍 opening into 相反相成 opposite and supplementary to each 相乘相侮 over-restriction and reverse restriction ...

to oppose,yet complement each other

相反in... ... 意见相反。 110 more results 相反相成 to oppose,yet complement each other 意见相反 the opposite view ...

opposite and complementary

相反相成,opposite and... ... ) opposite and complementary 相反相成 ) The theory of XiangFanXiangCheng 相反相成法 ...

contrary and supplementary to each other

中医医学英语常考短语... ... 相反相成 contrary and supplementary to each other 相互消长 mutually inhibiting and promoting ...

complementarity of opposites

……相反相成(complementarity of opposites),只有当人抓着“道”的中心“支点”(pivot),就是正确地通过“是”与“非”,“我”与“非我” …
