- na.stop for a breather or a rest
- 网络stop for a rest; to rest; to have a break

stop for a rest
歇,歇字的解释,查字典 ... 歇脚[ stop on the way for a rest] 歇气[ stop for a rest] 歇晌[ take a midday nap or rest] ...
to rest
顺气 English, 翻译, 例句, 字典... ... 仙气 magic breath 歇气 to rest;to have a break 懈气 to take it easy;to slacken off ...
to have a break
顺气 English, 翻译, 例句, 字典... ... 仙气 magic breath 歇气 to rest;to have a break 懈气 to take it easy;to slacken off ...