
  • na.chess fan; chess enthusiast
  • 网络Chess Fan; Chess enthusiast; a chess-playing fool



Chess Fan

A Diary_英语作文 ... The Sunrise- 日出 Chess Fan- 棋迷 A Letter to Haiqing- 给海青的一封信 ...

Chess enthusiast

...楼(Restaurant)中,不要总觉得被轻视,先问问自己有没有分量。。棋迷(Chess enthusiast)们纷繁前来围观这一场精巧的棋艺 …

a chess-playing fool

fool的翻译中文意思... ... an April fool 愚人节被愚弄的人 a chess-playing fool 棋迷 fool sb. into doing sth. 骗某人作某事 ...

a chess,TV,football addict

addicting_addicting的解释... ... *a heroin addict 有海洛因毒瘾的人. *a chess,TV,football addict 棋迷, 电视迷, 足球迷. ...

Chess Problem

超越神界... ... 【支线】挖掘幽灵( A Digging Ghost) 【支线】棋迷( Chess Problem) 【支线】储藏室的老鼠( Rat in the storage r…

hobby gamers

...s & Cathedrals)﹐有「大老」(争地形时数作二人﹗)及酒店﹑大教堂的新地形﹐令竞争更加激烈。不少棋迷(hobby gamers)均 …
