
  • na.deal with a host of problems every day
  • 网络Have one thousand one things to do; be occupied with a myriad of state affairs; have one thousand and one things to do



Have one thousand one things to do

... One hundred and one thanks 十分感谢, 千恩万谢 Have one thousand one things to do 日理万机 The Trinity 三位一体 ...

be occupied with a myriad of state affairs

带“日”字的词语 。_百度知道 ... 日课[ lesson] 日理万机[ be occupied with a myriad of state affairs] 日历[ calendar] ...

have one thousand and one things to do

新浪教... ... one in a thousand 少有,杰出 have one thousand and one things to do 日理万机 the seventh heaven 七重天,极乐 ...


a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... dwtk 大无畏 dwwm 日理万机 dwyh 易于 ...

He had a lot to live up to

forrest gump01_dochao... ... Kick some ass- 加油干 He had a lot to live up to- 日理万机 Big old fat rain- 瓢泼大雨 ...

You Can Manage

日理万机You Can Manage):穿上经理人的服装和保安女主管约会,成功进入电梯。◆一直在意你(I Got My Eyes on Yo…


日理万机llchy)http://liangluquickshare.blog.china.alibaba.com/ >> 收藏本页 | 设为主页 您现在的位置:阿里巴巴博客 > 日 …
