• n.evidence; certificate
  • v.occupy; seize; rely on; depend on
  • prep.according to; on the grounds of
  • 网络Evidence; in terms of; as far as


according to

七年级英语上册 单词表 牛津广州版_百度文库 ... history n. 历史 according to prep. crash v. 碰撞;撞击 ...


2. 有(Evidence):有哪些证据可以对信息的真实性提 供支持?文章中有没有包括参考书目?

in terms of

高中外研版英语必修三单词_百度文库 ... head 领袖;领导人 18 in terms of ...;依照... 19 landmark. 标志性建筑 20 ...

as far as

一道英语题,理由_百度知道 ... so long as 只要 As far as …… As well as 也 ...


人教版英语必修一第四单元第... ... cover…with… quake v. 震动,颤抖/n.震动,地震 judging from/by …判断 +n./adj. 判断某 …

in accordance with

自学考试英语(二)词组表 - 豆丁网 ... in a word 简而言之 7. in accordance with 与…一致,依照,根 8 in addition 另外,加 …


Vocab Spreadsheet ... 对(对)手 opponent;rival 占(占)(据) occupy 连(连)任 reelected consecutively ...
