
  • n.approach to; close to
  • v.close to
  • 网络on the verge of; be close to; approximate to



close to

高中英语必修4单词 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 5. Tend to 趋向 6. Close to 接近于… 7. Look sb in the eyes 无愧于心正视某人 ...

on the verge of

Band 4 Test for English Major ... 2.Zulu n. 祖鲁族人 3. on the verge of 接近于, 濒临于 5. in the wake of 尾随, 紧跟, 仿效 ...

be close to

2005年4月自考串讲——《英语(一)》 - 自考365 ... get ahead 胜过超过,事业成功 ; be close to 接近于; tend to 倾向于 ; ...

approximate to

英语短语搭配 - 豆丁网 ... applicable to (适用于) approximate to接近于) available to sb. (某人可得到的) ...

anywhere near

考研情感态度词 - 豆丁网 ... anything like 像……那 样的东西 27 anywhere near 接近于 28 apart from 除……之外 还有 29 ...

on the border of

《新概念英语》第二册讲... ... ②v. 与……相邻 ③on the border of 在...的边界上;将要;接近于 ④on the borders 在边界上, 接 …


Whistling language 口哨语 ... compulsory 必需的,强迫的 approximates 模仿,接近于 ravines 峡谷 ...

approach to
