
  • na.wield power; be in the saddle
  • 网络to hold power; in the driving seat; be in the saddle wield power



be in the saddle

拿,拿字的解释,查字典 ... 拿乔[ strike a pose to impress people] 拿权[ be in the saddle;wield power] 拿手好戏[ confidence] ...

wield power

拿,拿字的解释,查字典 ... 拿乔[ strike a pose to impress people] 拿权[ be in the saddle;wield power] 拿手好戏[ confidence] ...

to hold power

Power | Chinese Dictionary ... 威显 awe-inspiring;power 拿权 to hold power;in the driving seat 绵力 one's limited power ...

in the driving seat

Power | Chinese Dictionary ... 威显 awe-inspiring;power 拿权 to hold power;in the driving seat 绵力 one's limited power ...

be in the saddle wield power

溷 的解释 | 溷... ... ◆ 拿乔[ strike a pose to impress people ] ◆ 拿权[ be in the saddle wield power ] ...
