
  • na.(bride and groom) bow to Heaven and Earth as part of a wedding ceremony
  • 网络worshipping Heaven and Earth; Does obeisance the world; to worship Heaven & Earth



worshipping Heaven and Earth

Unit 8 Job... ... double happiness 红双喜 worshipping Heaven and Earth 拜天地 bowing to the groom’s parents 拜高堂 ...

Does obeisance the world

汽车音乐--典藏版新华管理网... ... 03、欢天喜地 Over joyed 04、拜天地 Does obeisance the world 05、东北调 Northeast acce…

to worship Heaven & Earth

英汉双向分类... ... 公文邮票 "on service correspondence" stamp 拜天地 to worship Heaven & Earth 包口接缝 run & fell seam ...

to bow to heaven and earth

二级笔译8000词 - 增刊--... ... 爱人: sweetheart 拜天地to bow to heaven and earth 拜祖先: to worship ancestors ...

worship the heaven and earth

...and the bride bai tiandi 拜天地 (worship the heaven and earth) at their wedding in China, but the bridegroom and bride i...

pay their respect to the Heaven and God

...ing celebration need to ―拜天地 (pay their respect to the Heaven and God)‖. When one curses , he will say ―苍天在上(Hea…
