
  • na.announce good news
  • 网络Annunciation; The Annunciation; report good news




英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... annunciation lily 白色百合花 Annunciation 报喜 annunciator 通告者 ...

announce good news

鍚倎 - 英汉词典 ... 爆米花/ puffed rice/ 报喜/ announce good news/report success/ 鲍鱼/ abalone/ ...

The Annunciation

... The Presentation of Mary 玛丽的演讲 The Annunciation 报喜 The Visitation 探视 ...

report good news

报的... ... ◎ 报务员[ telegraphist] ◎ 报喜[ report good news] ◎ 报喜不报忧[ spread only the good news and cover the bad] ...

Saint Angelo

国晨百货 ... 28·BONI/ 堡尼 29·SAINT ANGELO/ 报喜… 30·WEIMING/ 威明 ...

to report success

喜怒无常... ... 余怒 residual anger 报喜 to report success;to announce good news 怒 fury;anger;flourishing;vigorous ...

Virgin of the Annunciation

【名画档案】网路画廊 ... 画 名 : 报喜 Virgin of the Annunciation 画 作 材 质 : 油彩.画板 oil on wood panel ...
