
  • n.banking fire
  • v.bank up
  • 网络bank a fire; damp down; dead bank



banking fire

船舶专业词典.xls ... 124 频带宽度,波段宽度 band width 126 封火 banking fire 128 炮塔座 barbette ...

bank up

封 - 搜搜百科 ... 封港[ close a port] 封火[ bank up] 封建社会[ feudal society] ...

bank a fire

bank of... ... a blood bank n. 血库 bank a fire 封火,封炉子 bank acceptance n. 银行承兑汇票(已保证承兑的汇票) ...

damp down

什么意思_英语damps在线翻译... ... to damp down a fire for the night 把火封上过夜 damp down 封火 damp proof 防潮,防湿性 ...

dead bank

机械工程英语翻译D-4... ... 静车轴 dead axle 封火 (锅炉) dead bank 不晃擒纵器 dead beat escapement ...

banked fire

http://www.ptsgi.com/chinese... ... "埋入塞"," Embedded plug" "埋火, 封火"," Banked fire" "埋弃"," To leave buried" ...
