- na.declare war on a country to punish it for its iniquities
- 网络attackonagrandscale; to attack on a grand scale; declare war on a country to punish its iniquities

declare war on a country to punish it for its iniquities
百度词典搜索_张 ... declare war on a country to punish it for its iniquities 大张挞伐 catch birds with a net; 张鸟 ...
大字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 大张声势〖 togivewidepublicityto〗 大张挞伐〖 attackonagrandscale〗 大丈夫〖 trueman〗 ...
to attack on a grand scale
Small-scale |... ... 鸢 kite 大张挞伐 to attack on a grand scale 小惩大诫 lit. to punish a little to prevent a lot ...
declare war on a country to punish its iniquities
punish_查单词短句... ... declare war on a country to punish its iniquities 大张挞伐 To punish by rush whip 蒲鞭示辱 ...