
  • na.get rid of the stale and take in the fresh
  • 网络exhale the old and inhale the new; exhallingtheoldandinhallingthenew; depositing the stale and bringing into the fresh



get rid of the stale and take in the fresh

高口热点词汇 ... 吐故纳新 Get rid of the stale and take in the fresh 增添现代化活力 Bring more modern vigor ...

exhale the old and inhale the new

新编汉英小词典/尤金 周天豪 编者:尤金... ... 吐痰 spit 吐故纳新 exhale the old and inhale the new 吐露 reveal;tell ...


吐_百度百科 ... 吐故纳新exhallingtheoldandinhallingthenew;getridofthestaleandtakeinthefresh〗 吐翠〖 turngreen〗 ...

depositing the stale and bringing into the fresh

... "tuna daoyin" 吐纳导引 ) depositing the stale and bringing into the fresh 吐故纳新 ) to get rid of the stale 吐故 ...

Get ride of the stale and take in the fresh

英语谚语_百度知道 ... Get ride of the stale and take in the fresh. 吐故纳新。 No pains,no gains. 不劳则无获。 ...

Altertumskenner m.

... Altersversicherungssystem n. 文物专家 Altertumskenner m. 吐故纳新 altes revolutionäres Stützpunktgebiet “旧约”(圣经) ...
