
  • na.suffer for the faults of another
  • 网络carry the can; take the can; take blame for others



carry the can

英语典故/何润芳编 著/湖北教育出版社 ... Cap in Hand 牟躬屈膝 Carry the Can 代人受过 Carry the Day 获胜 ...

take the can

can的翻... ... 垃圾箱; 深水炸弹 carry the can 受责备, 代人受过, 负责任 take the can 受责备, 代人受过, 负责任 garbage can ...

take blame for others

... [ejector rod] 一种用来顶出已成型工件的棒 [take blame for others] 代人受过 [work on regular post] 担当起本职工作 ...

take the fall

Desperate Housewives绝望主妇 第三季... ... rock: 岩石暗礁 take the fall: 代人受过 psycho: <非正>精神病患者 ...

bear blame due to others

due... ... Honour to whom honour is due 荣誉归于应得荣誉的人 bear blame due to others 代人受过 due to 1. 因为,由于 ...

take the rap

rap的翻译中文... ... a rap on the door 轻轻的敲门声 take the rap 代人受过 The judge rapped the police. 法官严厉指责警察。 ...

Wedge Issue

单词看天下 - 教育频道 - 国际在线... ... [Skin Cancer][ 生化武器] [Wedge Issue][ 代人受过] [Undercover][ 个人崇拜] ...

bear the blame

高考英语常用词组 - zhanght... ... 68. be to blame 该受责备 69. bear the blame 代人受过 70. break away from 脱离,逃脱 ...
