
  • na.I have long heard of your name [great name; fame].
  • 网络I have heard a lot about you; Your name precedes you.; I know you very well by reputation



I have heard a lot about you

英文短句 ... it's sort of complicated 这有点复杂 1. I have heard a lot about you 久闻大名 2. We have met 我们见过面 ...

Your name precedes you.

美国口语教程(一)-十字绣专卖-搜狐博客 ... Spell 拼写 Your name precedes you. 久闻大名。 Welcome home. 欢迎回家 ...

I know you very well by reputation

生活英语秀 ... B:You flater me 你过奖了 10.I know you very well by reputation . 久闻大名 ...

I have heard your name before by reputation

... I have heard your name before by reputation. 久闻大名。 John,this is my friend,Walker. 约翰,这是我的朋友,他叫沃克。 ...

I've heard a lot about you.

商务英语讲座 - 外贸英语 -... ... I'm new. 我是新来的。 I've heard a lot about you. (久闻大名) 。 colleague 同事 ...

I Heard So Much About You

Office English 上班族常用口语 ... 54 Do I Make Myself Clear 你明白我说的话吗 55 I Heard So Much About You 久闻大名 ...

eg.Your reputation proceeds you.

... proceed to one’s master’s degree 继续攻读研究生学位 eg.Your reputation proceeds you. 久闻大名 proceeds n. 营业额 ...
