
  • na.Neither dying nor being born.
  • 网络anutpada-anirodha; neither arising nor ceasing; non-production and non-extinction




常用佛教名词英译 - 哲学宗教 大家论坛 ... anutpattika 无生忍 anutpada-anirodha 不生不灭 anutpada-jnana 无生智 ...

neither arising nor ceasing

汉英佛教词汇_上善若水_新浪博客 ... 不善业和善业 vice and virtue 不生不灭 neither arising nor ceasing 不食肉 not eatflesh ...

non-production and non-extinction

常用佛教名词英语翻译 -... ... no mark of self 无我相 * non-production and non-extinction 不生不灭 * no self 无我 * ...

Without Beginning and Without End

...ertitudes )」、由蜜蜡建筑的大型金字塔「不生不灭Without Beginning and Without End )」;到近期用油灯、镰刀、香 …


Botero来台湾了吗?---... ... 【神魄】 Soul Guardians 2008-2009 【不生不灭Immortality 2008— 【天燧】 The Beacon 2009 …

they do not appear or disappear

The World is Bound in Secret Knots ... 不生不灭 They do not appear or disappear, 不垢不浄 are not tainted or pure, ...

Neither dying nor being born

地藏七常用... ... 不可思议 Inconceivable 不生不灭 Neither dying nor being born 忏悔解怨 Repenting to dissolve grievances ...
