
  • na.too stingy to pull out a hair
  • 网络as close as a clam; very stingy; Unwilling to Give Up Even a Hair



as close as a clam

校园美国俚语... ... 24. animated talk 畅谈 25. as close as a clam 一毛不拔,吝啬 26. show sb. the back door 下逐客令 ...

very stingy

一口气背成社交英语达人-百道网 ... 一心一意 wholeheartedly 一毛不拔 very stingy 一贫如洗 as poor as a church mouse ...

Unwilling to Give Up Even a Hair

... Yi Misses the Target( 羿射不中) Unwilling to Give Up Even a Hair( 一毛不拔) ...


一毛不拔(Stingy)....................... 2010-10-10 阮小七   早就不去乐天堂了 2010-10-10 蔡庆   纵使有优惠我都不去 2010-10-1...

too stingy to pull out a hair

英语笑话-娱乐英语-文国英语学习-文国网 ... 一毛不拔 too stingy to pull out a hair 笑话:请大家看看“腐败 Corruption” ...

be very stingy and unwilling to give a hair

Caract... ... 要死不活[ be more dead than alive] 一毛不拔[ be very stingy and unwilling to give a hair] 雍容不迫[ poised] ...

as close as wax

英语单词查询 ... as close as herrings in a barrel 拥挤不堪 as close as wax 吝啬, 一毛不拔 as cold as ice 冷若冰霜 ...

Not Willing To Spare Even A Hair

Global Chinese Language And... ... Not Willing To Spare Even A Hair 一毛不拔 Mao- Sui Recommends Himself 毛遂自荐 ...
