
  • na.pitch (of teeth); teeth space
  • 网络circular pitch; tooth pitch; tooth spacing




齿轮及其加工中英文翻译对照表-续 - 我就喜欢 ... 15 Pinion offset 小轮偏置距 16 Pitch 节距,齿距 17 Pitch angle 节锥角 ...

circular pitch

常用机械制图英语_百度文库 ... circular arc 圆弧、弧 circular pitch 齿距 circular pitch 周节 ...

tooth pitch

电子工程专业词汇英语翻译(R-Z) ... tooth factor 齿系数 tooth pitch 齿距 tooth ripples 齿波纹 ...

tooth spacing

tooth中文 ... Tooth spiral 齿螺旋线 tooth spacing 齿距 Tooth contact pattern 轮齿接触斑点 ...

pitch of teeth

机械英汉词典(P-3)-机械资讯-马棚网(第4/26页) ... pitch of strand 绞距,扭距 pitch of teeth 齿距 pitch of thread 螺距 ...

teeth space

space - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典 ... target space 目标区 teeth space 齿距 tensor space of degree k k 次张量空间 ...

transverse pitch

金属加工专业术语中英对照 ... 节距累积偏差 total pitch variation n. 齿距,齿面 transverse pitch n. 修边工具 trimmer tool n. ...

tooth space

各种各样的空间 ... time parameter space 时间参数空间 tooth space 齿隙, 齿间隔, 齿距 topological space 拓扑空间 ...

