
  • na.be draped with the imperial yellow robe by one's supporters
  • 网络be made emperor; be acclaimed emperor; to be acclaimed emperor



be made emperor

汉译英 红白喜事... ... 红白喜事 at weddings or funerals 黄袍加身 be made emperor 黄毛丫头 a fledgeling little girl ...

be acclaimed emperor

黄袍加身”(be acclaimed emperor)更指做了皇帝。而到了现代,黄色又有其贬义用法,象征着“色情、腐化堕落、低级、淫秽…

to be acclaimed emperor

...king)、黄袍(emperor's robe)、黄袍加身(to be acclaimed emperor)等,这些词语中的“黄”无不体现出一种皇家所赋予的权利、 …

ponerse la túnica amarilla

汉语中的黄色在很多情况下不能使用amarillo,例如:他的脸色蜡黄(Tiene la cara pálida.);黄袍加身ponerse la túnica amar

wear the yellow cloth

For instance, there is a Chinese saying“黄袍加身”(wear the yellow cloth). But in English, yellow has the meaning of the ti...

Rule as emperor

行动早仍然加冕红土之王的纳达尔,一定是拍指宝座,黄袍加身(Rule as emperor)才是目标。复出从此,他状况充沛。


黄的意思_黄是什么意思-—在线字典 ... 黄牌警告 huángpáijǐnggào 黄袍加身 huángpáo-jiāshēn 黄泉 huángquán ...
