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Inner Canon of Huangdi

黄帝内经教学,Yellow... ... ) Huangdi Neijing 《黄帝内经》 ) Inner Canon of Huangdi 黄帝内经 ) Huang Di Nei Jing 黄帝内经 ...

Yellow Emperor

...经24·黄帝内经25·黄帝内经26·黄帝内经27·黄帝内经(Yellow Emperor)28·黄帝内经29·黄帝内经30·黄帝内经31·黄帝内经32·黄 …

The Inner Canon of Huangdi

#9... ... #2 Shennong's Herbal(《 神农本草经》) #1 The Inner Canon of Huangdi(《 黄帝内经》) #8 The Pulse Classic(《 脉经 …

the Yellow Emperor's Book of Internal Medicine

香港新闻从业者用语 ... 黄帝内经 the Yellow Emperor's Book of Internal Medicine 黑市伟哥 black-market Viagra ...

Huangti's internal classic

中国古代失眠病的防治史研究... ... "Classics on mount and sea"(《 山海经》) ; "Huangti's internal classic"(《 黄帝内经》) . ...

The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine

陕西科技大... ... (《尚书 The Book of History》 (《黄帝内经 The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine》 (《周易 Book of C…

Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine

... pathogenic a. 致病的 ; 病原的 ; 发病的 Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine黄帝内经》 dyspneic a. 呼吸困难的 ...

The Yellow Emperor's Classics of Internal Medicine

中国文... ... 浣纱 The Girl Who Washes Silk 黄帝内经 The Yellow Emperor's Classics of Internal Medicine 黄书 Yellow Book ...
