
  • 网络mahuang decoction; Ephedra Decoction; Expels external cold



mahuang decoction

07.方剂学 ... 麻子仁丸 maziren pills 麻黄汤 mahuang decoction 麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤 mahuang xingren gancao shigao decoctio…

Ephedra Decoction

Ephedr... ... Decoction of Ephedra with Bighead Atra ctylodes 麻黄加术汤 Ephedra Decoction 麻黄汤 Ephedra equisetina 麻黄 ...

Expels external cold

CHINESE MEDICAL SOUTH AFRICA ... Epilepsy tang 羊癫风 Expels external cold 麻黄汤 Expels external cold 小青龙汤 ...

Mahuang Combination.

... (定喘汤) Mahuang & Ginkgo Combination (麻黄汤) Mahuang Combination.. (麻杏甘石汤) Mahuang & Apricot Seed Combina…


中药材资源... ... 荆防败毒散 JING FARNG BAY DWU SAAN 麻黄汤 MA HWANG TANG 麻黄附子细辛汤 MA HWANG FU TZY…

Ephedrae Decoction

12... ... 解表剂 Superficies-relieving prescription 麻黄汤 Ephedrae Decoction 银翘散 Lonicerae and Forsythiae powder ...

decoction of ephedrae

中医药文体的英译 - Apollo的日志 - 网易博客 ... 二冬汤 decoction of asparagi and ophiopogonis 麻黄汤 decoction of ephedrae ...

in English and Chinese

ma huang tang 麻黄汤 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Translated and Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此中文 Name of form…
