
  • n.【食】Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame
  • 网络Glutinous Rice Roll with Sesame; Sesame seed balls; deep-fried sesame seed ball



Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame

电子期刊 ... 羊肉泡馍 : Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup 麻团Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame 豌豆黄 : Pea Cak…

Glutinous Rice Roll with Sesame

... ... 花卷 Steamed Huajuan with Salt & Pepper 麻团 Glutinous Rice Roll with Sesame 甜品 Dessert ...

Sesame seed balls

点心既英文? - Yahoo!知识+ ... 千层糕 Chien chang go 麻团 Sesame seed balls 豆腐花 dou fu fa ...

deep-fried sesame seed ball

餐饮英语用语 - 维仔的日志 -... ... 麻花 fried dough twists 麻团 deep-fried sesame seed ball 窝窝头 steamed bread of corn ...

deep fried sesame seed balls

中国菜的英译原 - 万年一念 - 博客大巴 ... 春卷 spring rolls 麻团 deep fried sesame seed balls 稀饭 congee ...

Sesame group

资料 ... 面 点 Flour 麻团 Sesame group 千丝饼 Thousand filament cakes ...


博文_挖井的和尚_新浪博客 ... PSP 闹钟 COOK-DIY 麻团 Tiramisu 提拉米苏 ...
