
  • 网络Immortal at the Magpie Bridge; Fairy Of The Magpie Bridge; ciok qiab siet



Immortal at the Magpie Bridge

哈辉 -《关雎》... ... 06. 长相知( A Pledge) 07. 鹊桥仙( Immortal at the Magpie Bridge) 08. 一剪梅( A Twig of Mume Blossom) ...

Fairy Of The Magpie Bridge

<<鹊桥仙>>的英... ... 银汉迢迢暗度-- The remote Milky Way,has no ends. 鹊桥仙 Fairy Of The Magpie Bridge 秦观 by Qin …

ciok qiab siet

渝语_百度百科 ... dih touh sih gus xiak 低头思故乡 ciok qiab siet 鹊桥仙 cit guat 秦观 ...

Immortals at the Magpie Bridge

... 鹊桥仙( Immortals at the Magpie Bridge/Immortals on the Magpie Bridge) 如梦令( Dreamlike Song/A Dream Strain) ...

Immortal At The Magpie.

... 3: 花非花 Flowers Are Not Flower.... 4: 鹊桥仙 Immortal At The Magpie.... 5: 浣溪沙 Sand Of Silk-Washing S.... ...

Immmortal at M

博文_新闻人徐燕_新浪博客 ... (08):饮湖上初晴后雨( West L… (04):鹊桥仙Immmortal at M… (01):思念着你( Thinkin…

Immortal At The Magpi.

偶然/L... ... 3: 花非花 Flowers Are Not Flowe.... 4: 鹊桥仙 Immortal At The Magpi.... 5: 浣溪沙 Sand Of Silk-Washing .... ...
