
  • 网络Wei-Jin dynasties; Wei Jin Metaphysics; Metaphysics in the Wei and Jin Dynasties



Wei-Jin dynasties

研究工具 ... 魏晋玄学(Wei-Jin dynasties) 佛教哲学(Buddhism) 宋明理学(Neo-Confucianism) ...Neo-Confucianism :新儒家思 …

Wei Jin Metaphysics

实践... ... Globalization and Justice 全球化与公正 Wei Jin Metaphysics 魏晋玄学 I-Ching and Modern Life 《易经》与现代生活 ...

Metaphysics in the Wei and Jin Dynasties

Introduction to Chinese... ... 魏晋玄学 Metaphysics in the Wei and Jin Dynasties 宋明理学 Song Ming Neo-Confucianism ...

Wei-Chin Metaphysics

国立中兴大学中国文学系... ... 论孟 Confucius’ Analects and Mencius 魏晋玄学 Wei-Chin Metaphysics 老庄 Laotz and Chuangt…

The Metaphysical Thoughts of Wei-chin Dynasty

... 老子 The Thoughts of Lao-Tze 魏晋玄学 The Metaphysical Thoughts of Wei-chin Dynasty 国音及说话 Phonetics and Speec…

Describing feelings with deep and quiet space: Study on wei and Jin metaphysics and people's beauty in the Jin dynasty
