
  • n.high-pressure boiler
  • 网络high duty boiler; superpressure boiler; high boiler



high duty boiler

进出口专业英... ... high dump wagon 高位倾卸式拖车 high duty boiler 高压锅炉 high effective antifoaming agent 高效消泡剂 ...

high-pressure boiler

boiler ... high-duty boiler 高压锅炉; 高能率锅炉 high-pressure boiler 高压锅炉 high-temperature water boiler 高温热水锅炉 ...

superpressure boiler

Download - Excel ... 叠加原理 superposition principle [超]高压锅炉 superpressure boiler 过饱和蒸汽 supersaturated steam ...

high boiler

英文术语 ... 58.gas compressor 压气机 59.high boiler 高压锅炉 60.heading coil 加热盘管 ...

HP boiler

... ) High Temperature and Pressure Plant Boiler 高温高压电站锅炉 ) HP boiler 高压锅炉 ) pressure cooker 高压蒸锅 ...

Low Pressure Boiler

...s) 主 要 问 题 除氧柜 给水系统 低压锅炉 高压锅炉 (Low Pressure Boiler) (High Pressure Boiler) (Superheater) (Turbine) (M...

Material Degradation Evaluation and Residual Life Prediction for Connecting Piping of Super-pressure Boiler
