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Biographies of Eminent Monks

或许是因为我曾密集研读佛教的《高僧传》(Biographies of Eminent Monks),所以我从中国鬼怪故事开始。身为学者,我对 …

memoirs of eminent monks

Biographies of Eminent Buddhist Monks

中国文化典籍英译 笔记 ... 焚书 Book Buring 高僧传 Biographies of Eminent Buddhist Monks 告誓文 A Pledge of Faith ...

Kao-seng chuan

... Kanbun nyumon 汉文入门 Kao-seng chuan 高僧传 Kodansha 讲谈社 ...

Biographies of the Dignitary Monks

Biography (25) ... Biographies of the Dignitary Monks 高僧传 Biography of Zhu Geliang 诸葛亮大传(上下册) ...

Biography of monks

Hui Jiao 慧皎 (1992) Gaoseng zhuan 高僧传 (Biography of monks), Exegesised by Tang Yongtong 汤用彤, Vol. 13, Beijing: Zh…


...教士的成就及挫折, 看到的尽是许多数据及称颂,有如高僧传hagiography),近年来大家 多将注意力集中在受传者的一方…
