
  • 网络a telescope of high power; powerful binoculars; high power binocular



a telescope of high power

英文名:... ... the fourth power of x x 的四次幂(X+[4]) a telescope of high power 高倍望远镜 do a power of work 做大量工作 ...

powerful binoculars

... 17.glass-fronted cases 面上有玻璃的书架 18.powerful binoculars 高倍望远镜 15.to tear sth.to shreds/pieces 撕得粉碎 ...

high power binocular

bang 2 3 ... scoliosis 脊柱侧弯 high power binocular 高倍望远镜 cholera 霍乱 ...

High-powered telescope

关渡自然公园... ... #16 赏鸟木屋 Birdwatching cabins #22 高倍望远镜 High-powered telescope 作品: 蛋壳居 Egg-shelter ...

high-powered binoculars

六级后英语词汇(03)_司徒汇编_新浪博客 ... binoculars 双筒望远镜 high-powered binoculars 高倍望远镜 mash 捣成糊状 ...
