
  • n.higher low water; HLW
  • 网络Ups and Downs; high and low water; high low water



higher low water

Benjamin Chen - BenjaminC ... higher high water 高高潮 higher low water 高低潮 higher-value use 较高价值用途 ...


(九) 高低潮HLW):1个太阴日中发生的2次低潮中潮高较高的低潮。 (十) 平潮(Slack):高潮发生后,海面有一段时 …

Ups and Downs

旺旺英语语音精品报第246期 2001-09-14... ... That can be annoying. 拿到驾照有优缺点。 Ups and Downs 有好有坏;高低潮 ...

high and low water

High | Chinese Dictionary ... 段汛期 High water period;spate 高低潮 the tide;High and low water 高速挡 top gear;High gear ...

high low water

36测量学_馆档网 ... "高架道路*"," high level road" "高低潮"," high low water" "正午"," high noon" ...

highs and lows

实用单字 Part 1 @... ... 81. in case of 如果发生,假如…… 86. highs and lows 高低潮 87. face up to 面对(问题,困难) ...

high and low tidal data

低潮期,low tide... ... ) Low tidal beach 低潮滩 ) high and low tidal data 高低潮 ...
