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Tuberculosis of Bone and Joint

骨与关节结核 (Tuberculosis of Bone and Joint) 第一节 概述 (Introduction) 一、病因及发病率 骨与关节结核为一种继发性病变 …

Bone and joint tuberculosis

lesson 9 surgery -... ... Biliary ascariasis 胆道蛔虫病 Bone and joint tuberculosis 骨与关节结核 Bone cyst 骨囊肿 ...

Tuberculosis of the Bone and Joint

外科学... ... 第68章 脊柱损伤与疾病 Spinal Injuries and Disorders 第69章 骨与关节结核 Tuberculosis of the Bone and Joint ...

tuberculose osseuse et articulaire

参考文... ... tuberculose intestinale 肠结核 tuberculose osseuse et articulaire 骨与关节结核 tuberculose spinale 脊柱结核 ...

Tuberculosic of Bone and Joint

现代医学影像网 ... 三、化脓性骨髓炎( Pyogenic Osteomyelitis) 四、骨与关节结核( Tuberculosic of Bone and Joint) ...


医学英语分科常用词汇--骨科... ... 10、骨与关节结核 OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSIS 11、骨肿瘤 BONE TUMOR ...

Tuberculosis of bone and jiont

骨与关节结核 (Tuberculosis of bone and jiont) 新乡医学院第一临床学院外科学教研室 徐海斌15670500126 第一节 ☆ 一般发病 …
