
  • 网络cough due to wind-cold evil; cough due to wind and cold; cough due to pathogenic wind-cold



cough due to wind-cold evil

... 风热咳嗽 cough due to wind and heat 风寒咳嗽 cough due to wind-cold evil 阴虚咳嗽 cough due to yin-deficiency ...

cough due to wind and cold

... 疰嗽 cough due to pulmonary tuberculosis 风寒咳嗽 cough due to wind and cold 风热咳嗽 cough due to wind and heat ...

cough due to pathogenic wind-cold

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 食积咳嗽 cough due to indigestion 风寒咳嗽 cough due to pathogenic wind-col

wind-cold cough

COMPLETE BANK OF TERMS... ... 风寒表证 wind-cold exterior pattern 风寒咳嗽 wind-cold cough 风寒砂 Wind-Cold Granules ...

Cold cough

寒咳贴,cold cough... ... ) cold cough sticking 寒咳贴 ) Cold cough 风寒咳嗽 ) Kechuan Plaster 咳喘贴 ...


