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fracture of skull

医学英语术语 - 豆丁网 ... burn[ 电(化学)烧伤] • fracture of skull[ 颅骨骨折] • trauma[ 开放(闭合)性外伤] • ...

skull fracture

医生英语_百度百科 ... 21.Falling Injury ofLegs 下肢摔伤 22.Skull Fracture 颅骨骨折 23.Colon Carcinoma 结肠癌 ...

Fracture of the Skull

医学英语 ... 4. Defense Wound (抵抗伤) 5. Fracture of the Skull颅骨骨折) 6. Fracture of the Extremities (四肢骨折) ...

Cranial fracture

第二节颅骨骨折Cranial fracture) ? 本身无关紧要,关健在于是否引起 血管、神经、脑组织损伤及合并脑脊液 漏,临床分为 …

fractures of the skull

法医病理学-CMU精品课程 ... 颅骨擦痕 scratch on the skull 颅骨骨折 fractures of the skull 颅骨砍削创 peeling of the skull ...

recent skull fracture

... 颅内动脉瘤( Intracranial aneurysm) 颅骨骨折( recent skull fracture) 延髓突出( Herniation of the medulla oblogata) ...

RecentSskull Fracture

颅荐椎技术 Craniosacral Therapy ... 2. 颅内动脉瘤( Intracranial Aneurysm) 3. 颅骨骨折( RecentSskull Fracture) ...

bursting fracture of the skull

全颅崩裂或崩裂性颅骨骨折bursting fracture of the skull),其实质是程度严重的粉碎性骨折,致使全颅颅骨,颅盖骨和颅底 …
