- na.flay the face and wash the heart
- 网络turn over a new leaf; repentgenuinelyandmakeanewstart; lit. to renew one's face and wash one's heart

turn over a new leaf
革_百度百科 ... 6. 革面洗心[ turn over a new leaf;repent genuinely and make a new start] 7. 革命[ revolution] ...
革的五笔... ... 革履〖 leathershoes〗 革面洗心〖 turnoveranewleaf;repentgenuinelyandmakeanewstart〗 革命〖 revolution〗 ...
lit. to renew one's face and wash one's heart
Ge2 |... ... 革故鼎新 to discard the old and introduce the new 革面洗心 lit. to renew one's face and wash one's heart ...