
  • na.One's face turned white [pale].
  • 网络as white as a sheet; A ghastly livid countenance; look pale



as white as a sheet

中式英语之鉴 ... ·中式英语之鉴:动物 animals ·中式英语之鉴:面如土色 as white as a sheet ·中式英语之鉴:花茶 scented tea ...

A ghastly livid countenance

livid是什么意思_翻译livid的意思_用法... ... A ghastly livid countenance 面如土色 He grew livid with rage. 他勃然大怒。 ...

look pale

英语语言词典 [ashen] # 翻译 [ashen] ... 土色 ashen;pale 面如土色 look ashen;look pale 脸 (色) > 变灰白 ash.en ...

as pale as ashes

论文:从中西文化差异浅谈英汉习语的对应关系... ... “面如土色as pale as ashes, “血浓于水” blood is thicker than water, ...

look ashen

瓜熟蒂落 瓜田李下 揠苗助长 面如土色... ... 揠苗助长: pulling up seedlings to help them grow 面如土色look ashen ...

The face was as white as a sheet

face... ... 1. Her face turned as white as a sheet. 她的脸色变得苍白如纸。 2. The face was as white as a sheet. 面如土色。 ...

look ashen look pale

什么意思_英语look_look在线翻译_有道词典... ... Look Left Look Right 注意右侧 look ashen look pale 面如土色 ...
