
  • 网络as proud as Lucifer; with one's nose in the air; Nose in the air



as proud as Lucifer

proud... ... proud flesh n. 疤 as proud as Lucifer 目空一切, 狂妄自大, 非常傲慢 be vainly proud of 以...而目空一切 ...

with one's nose in the air

... plain as the nose on one's face 一清二楚 with one's nose in the air 非常傲慢 keep one's nose clean 不做讨厌,违法的事 ...

Nose in the air

沪江博客 -... ... *Noddy work 不重要,很简单的工作 *Nose in the air 非常傲慢,自高自大 *Not bat an eye 泰然自若 ...

very arrogant

傲慢的英文翻译,傲慢用英语... ... 傲慢无礼 arrogant and impolite 非常傲慢 very arrogant 骄横傲慢 overbearing and arrogant ...
