
  • n.【矿】strip mining; open-cut mining
  • 网络surface mining; opencast mining; open-pit mining



surface mining

采矿工程专业英语词汇手册 - 豆丁网 ... underground mining 地下开采 surface mining 露天开采 reserve n. 储量 ...

strip mining

中国非开挖工程技术网 ... strip map 分条地图 strip mining 露天开采 strip photography 航摄术 ...

opencast mining

“露”的读音 -... ... 露宿[ sleep in the open] 露天开采[ open-pit mining; opencast mining] 露天矿[ opencut;opencast] ...

open-pit mining

“露”的读音 -... ... 露宿[ sleep in the open] 露天开采[ open-pit mining; opencast mining] 露天矿[ opencut;opencast] ...


地质专业英语词汇QR ... quarry 采石场 quarrying 露天开采 quartation 四分法 ...

open-cut mining

翻译项目网|翻译人才网—... ... open-cut crossing 开沟穿越 open-cut mining 露天开采 open-cycle gas trubine 开式循环燃气轮 …

open pit

foundation pit engineering_翻译 ... 纹孔闭塞: pit aspiration 露天开采open pit 露天开采: open-pit ...

Open mining

English... ... 88 open grate area 活动炉篦面积、有效炉篦面积 89 open mining 露天开采 90 open position 开路位置、断路位置 ...
