
  • na.A swan's footprints found on snow and mud
  • 网络traces of the past; human life likened to the life of birds of passage; Gai Khong Hng



traces of the past

... 雪泥鸿爪[ traces of the past;human life lihened to that of birds of passage with foot print on the sand] 大[ great] ...

human life likened to the life of birds of passage

Gai Khong Hng

马华博客动态目录 MCA... ... Gan Hong Su 赤膊上阵 (颜丰守) Gai Khong Hng 雪泥鸿爪 (方奕鸿) Feeling 玫瑰侠客 (刘美霞) ...

Old girls gathering

Jiumu's Blog... ... 生活点滴 (一) How children grow "雪泥鸿爪" 1959 Old girls gathering 女儿的新作品 JE's new creations ...

Snow mud Che-hung claws

鸿运蒸凤爪,Ste... ... ) bittern chicken claws 卤凤爪 "Snow mud Che-hung claws" 雪泥鸿爪 ) Steamed Chicken Feet 鸿运蒸凤爪 ...

Traces on Snow

Joint Calligraphy Painting Charity... ... 地老天荒 Eternal Bliss 雪泥鸿爪 Traces on Snow 登高望远 A View from High ...

Recollections of Campus Days

... 15.我们的约会 Reunions 16.雪泥鸿爪 Recollections of Campus Days ...
