
  • 网络Group Resignation; resign collectively; to resign in a body



Group Resignation

“集体辞职”如何翻译?谢谢... ... "四个人同时辞职" a coinstantaneous resignation of four, 集体辞职- Group Resignation ...

resign collectively

查询collectively 在中国最大翻译语料库... ... resign collectively 集体辞职 buy ... collectively 集体办 ...

to resign in a body

07级英语期末复... ... 4. the Queen’s Speech 女王讲话 5. to resign in a body 集体辞职 6. policy-making group 政策制订集团 ...

quit en masse

诠达文教∣高中馆 ... 2.内阁任命案 Cabinet appointment 3.集体辞职 quit en masse 4.民意满意度 approval ratings ...

resign en masse

... Technical specification of En-Masse conveyor 埋刮板输送机技术条件 resign en masse 集体辞职 en masse removal 全体撤 …

collective resignation

“集体辞职”如何翻译?谢谢... ... 集体辞职 mass resignation 集体辞职 collective resignation 集体辞职 collective resignation ...

They should collectively resign

...「末日博士」,联储局还有什么可以做,老麦应之曰:「集体辞职!」(They should collectively resign)端的快人快语!
