
  • 网络inspection and approval of concealed work; acceptance of concealed work; subsurface work acceptance



inspection and approval of concealed work

'éª... ... Inspection of incoming merchandise 到货验收 inspection and approval of concealed work 隐蔽工程验收 ...

acceptance of concealed work

中英对照单词_百度文库 ... Acceptance check: 验收 3. Acceptance of concealed work: 隐蔽工程验收 4. Acid soil: 酸性土 5. ...

subsurface work acceptance

沪江博客 - Be... ... 饮水喷头||drinking fountain 隐蔽工程验收||subsurface work acceptance 隐头喷泉||secret fountain ...

hidden work acceptance

汉英公路科技名词 -... ... 引桥||approach bridge,approach span 隐蔽工程验收||hidden work acceptance 应变计||strain gage ...

Checking the hidden project

上海胜意装潢工程有限公司老别墅... ... 9.隐蔽工程验收 Checking the hidden project 3.基本概算及图纸设计 Designing & budg…

acceptance of hidden subsurface work

建筑设计CAD ... accelerator 促凝剂,速凝剂 acceptance of hidden subsurface work 隐蔽工程验收 acceptance of tender 得标 ...

concealed acceptance check

工程验收,engineering... ... ) inspection engineer 验收工程师 ) concealed acceptance check 隐蔽工程验收 ...

inspection of hidden works

Architecture... ... 不合格 non-compliance 隐蔽工程验收 inspection of hidden works 施工纪录 construction records ...
