
  • 网络suppurative osteomyelitis; pyogenic infection of bone; pyogenic infection of the bone



suppurative osteomyelitis

附骨疽suppurative osteomyelitis),病症名。指毒气深沉,结聚于骨而发生的深部脓疡叫做附骨疽,又称骨痈、贴骨痈。

pyogenic infection of bone

专业词汇在线翻译、... ... 化脓性感染 pyogenic infection 附骨疽 pyogenic infection of bone 鼻疮 pyogenic infection of nose ...

pyogenic infection of the bone

... 手发背 pyogenic infection of the back 附骨疽 pyogenic infection of the bone 臀痈 pyogenic infection on buttock ...

bone flat-abscess

COMPLETE BANK... ... 附桂理中丸 Aconite and Cinnamon Center-Rectifying Pill 附骨疽 bone flat-abscess 附骨痰 bone phleg…

infection périapicale

Babylon 9... ... 化脓性感染 infection pyogène de l'os 附骨疽 infection périapicale 根尖周病 infection rétrograde ...
