
  • na.cause trouble
  • 网络make trouble; start a riot; raise the mischief



cause trouble

Sinograma « 乱 » - Diccionario de Sinogramas ... 出乱子[ go wrong] 闹乱子[ cause trouble] 惹乱子[ cause trouble] ...

make trouble

每天一个单词 ... cause trouble 引起麻烦 make trouble 闹乱子 Any trouble? 有烦事吗? ...

start a riot

香港新浪网... ... riot in 放纵于, 沉缅于 (=raise [start] a riot) 闹乱子; 挑起暴动 put down a riot by force 以武力平息闹事 ...

raise the mischief

mischief是什么意思... ... mean mischief 怀恶意 有不祥之兆 raise the mischief 闹事, 闹乱子 up to mischief 胡闹, 捣蛋 ...

to make disturbance

1.to make disturbance“惹起麻烦”(to cause trouble) 、“闹乱子”(to make disturbance)。...
