- na.roar out a somber song instead of crying
- 网络dàng; take the loud singing as wailing; I am dying

B.狙击(zǔ) 兑现(duì) 自怨自艾(yì) 长歌当哭(dàng) C.摇曳(yè) 熨帖(yù) 熠熠闪光(yì) 命运多舛(chuǎn)D.叱咤(zhà) 佳肴(xiáo…
take the loud singing as wailing
长字怎么组词_百度知道 ... 25. 长歌当哭[ take the loud singing as wailing] 26. 长庚[ gold star;planet Venus] ...
I am dying
只为一段旋律 - 博客大巴 ... Thorough the dark night far away 于遥长黑夜之外? I am dying 长歌当哭 Forever crying 吾将归去 ...
B.蟪岩(chán) 症结( zhēng) 长歌当哭(ddng) 弄巧成拙(zhuō) C.戏谑( xuè) 熟稔(rěn) 装模作样(m6) 快快…