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Great Wall Ballad

Chinese scores ... 红豆词 red bean words 长城谣 Great Wall ballad 故乡 hometown ...

The Great Wall Ballad

亚太之声 ... 10. 我做得不好 I Got It Bad 11. 长城谣 The Great Wall Ballad 12. 春天来了 Spring Has Come ...

Ballad Of The Great Wall

在太行山上-合唱民歌... ... 01 松花江上 On SongHua river 02 长城谣 Ballad of the Great Wall 03 五月的鲜花 Flowers In May ...

Song of the Great Wall

渔舟唱晚... ... 南屏晚钟 Evening Toll 长城谣 Song of the Great Wall 汉宫秋月 Autumn Moon above the Han Palace ...

Song Of Greatwall

- 长城谣 (Song Of Greatwall) 中国十大乐器演奏精华-音乐·中国1:箫·笛-长城谣>- 长城谣 红情魅影·康定情歌> - 长城谣 在那遥远 …

Ballad Of The Gr.

中央乐团合唱队的搜索结果,中央乐团合... ... 松花江上 On Songhua River 长城谣 Ballad Of The Gr... 五月的鲜花 Flowers In Ma…
