
  • 网络flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregate; flat and elongated particle in coarse aggregate; Acicular and Flaky Grain



flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregate

公路工程集料试验规... ... 2.1.20 砂率 sand percentage 2.1.21 针片状颗粒 flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregate ...

flat and elongated particle in coarse aggregate

公路工程集料试验规程... ... 2.1.24 砂率 sand percentage 2.1.25 针片状颗粒 flat and elongated particle in coarse aggregate ...

Acicular and Flaky Grain

水利水电汇总_甜梦文库... ... 压实度 Degree of Compaction 针片状颗粒 Acicular and Flaky Grain 轻物质 Light Matter ...

elongated and flaky particle

混凝土用... ... 3.3 泥块含量 content of clay lump 3.4 针片状颗粒 elongated and flaky particle 3.5 压碎指标 crushing index ...
